Saturday, April 23, 2011

7Confessions Is On a Break

I don’t know if anyone noticed but 7Confessions has been like a desert these past couple of weeks. There is a pretty good reason for it!
Thanks to those of you who cared and sent me nice heartwarming emails cause that makes me feel like I'm doing something right… makes me not want to give up blogging.
So I have been super busy and going nuts with my Master’s Degree in Genetics (I have brains… that’s shocking I know!). My dissertation is almost complete (some graphs are still killing me)… keep your fingers crossed for me. On my free time I am a very proud Backseat Girl and I'm trying to have a life :) which leaves me little time for 7Confessions!
I promise I’ll keep doing a couple of updates a week whenever I can. While I'm out, visit some of my favorite celebrity gossip blogs

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Daily Cuteness: Piper Palin Baby Licking Brother Trig’s Head

While mommy and possible future VP of the USA, Sarah Palin, was talking nonstop about political stuff that we just don’t care about (yep we are superficial like that, we wanted to know where Paris Hilton was at the time), youngest daughter, super cute Piper Palin, owned the Republican National Conversion Speech.
Piper is such a cutie; we almost died when we saw this scene!!! Piper licks her hand and attempts to fix her little brother, Trig’s hair… yep, Trig was born with Down's Syndrome – get over it! He is just a cute baby like every other baby!!

P.S. – If you really care but it’s all so boring, just get the reader’s digest version of how hypocritical politics can get by Jon Steward - Video!
P.S. 2 – If I or any other woman wear hoop earrings, we're not instant trailer trash!! Stop stereotyping people! Women power!! Let's burn some bras!! ;)

Jennifer Love Hewitt's Secret To Miraculous Weight Loss

After the unflattering photos of Jennifer Love Hewitt’s fuller-figure in a bikini came out in November, she felt the need to defend herself from critics and insist she was completely comfortable with her size 2 (10) body.
Even through Jennifer says she didn’t lose weight for the mean things said about her, she still wanted to feel on top of her game. The result is astonishing she lost 18lbs in only 10 weeks!
"I am in a pretty good workout regimen that I like, so it inspired me to keep it up," Hewitt tells Us. "The energy level and the way I feel now is great."
"With her, it's not, 'I want to look good in that dress,'" trainer Stevie Sant'Angelo tells Us. "She wanted to start moving around because she thought it would make her feel better. "She told me, 'They said some rude, mean things, but that's not why I wanted to change,'" Sant'Angelo says. (source)
I know what you guys are thinking… she is a cynical b*tch that lost no time getting back into shape even after she stood up for all the different sized women! Let’s not go there! Since I started this blog I said I needed to drop some weight, things got a bit out of control and finally in February I started a diet! People said I looked great (not really!), some people said i did… anyway I beat JLove, I lost 20-22lbs and I'm now feeling better than ever… well I still felt sexy before, it doesn’t mean I didn’t like myself then… but I feel so much better now… I totally understand what JLove went through… I’m sure I had a point when I started this crazy rambling…
Jennifer looks absolutely amazing! 18lbs less or more doesn’t change the sexy person that she is!! :D

Read More: Celebrities Got Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Back
Jennifer Love Hewitt Engagement Ring
Jennifer Love Hewitt Still Happy and in her Bikini!!
Jennifer Love Hewitt is happy and has no weight problem!!!
Alyson Hannigan Happy & in Page Six Magazine
Sarah Michelle Gellar changes her name as a gift to her husband…